JSUC Reference Page


  Speed of light: c = 2.997925E8 m/s
  Electron charge: e = 1.6021E-19 Cb
  Electron mass: m = 9.11E-31 kgr
  Faraday's constant: F = 9.6487E4 Cb/mol
  Plank's constant: h = 6.6256E-34 J sec
  Rydberg constant: R = 1.097373E7 1/m
  Bohr radius: ao = 5.29167E-11 m
  Gravitational constant: G = 6.67E15 n m^2 / kg^2
  Permitivity of free space: eo = 8.85E-12 Cb^2/ Nm^2
  Permeability of free space: mu o = 4*piE-7 N/A^2

Chemistry & Thermodynamics
  Avogadro's constant: Na = 6.02252E23 1/mol
  Boltzman's constant: k = 1.380622E-23 J/'K
  Universal gas constant: R = 8.3143 J / 'Kmol

Earth Science
  Mean distance of Earth to Sun: 1.5E14 m
  Mass of the Sun: 1.99E30 kgr
  Mass of the Earth: 5.97E24 kgr

Standard Atmosphere at Sea Level

Density rho = 1.225 kgr/m^3
Temperature = 288.2 'K
Pressure = 101300 Pa
Viscosity = 1.79E5 Nsec / m^2

Ideal Gas Properties

  Molecular mass:  28.967
  Gas constant:  287 J/ kgr'K
  cp = 1004 J/ kg'K (at 25'C)
  gamma = 1.4  (at 25'C)

Water Vapor
  Molecular mass:  M = 18.015
  Gas constant:  R = 461.5 J/kgrK
  cp = 1866 J/kgrK (at 25 'C)
  gamma = 1.33 (at 25 'C)
  Triple point:   273.16 'K